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Respiratory Disease in Cattle, IBR, and Vaccination Options.

BRD or Bovine Respiratory Disease has sometimes been referred to as “Shipping Fever”, This disease is common among managed herds especially among weaners and calves during high stress times such as weaning, transportation, or during feed and weather changes.

NSW Land Services reports “One Australian study of 2468 feedlot cattle with an average induction weight of 340kg showed that the daily gain of cattle affected with BRD was on average, 700g lower per day than that of unaffected cattle.” BRD can also lead to loss in herds with severe infections.

The causes of BRD are complex. BRD causing bacteria can thrive in the cattle’s throats or the BRD virus can be carried by infected cattle. The most common BRD associated virus is IBR which is a type of herpesvirus, again, living the throat in infected cattle. There are several other viruses linked to BRD including Pestivirus. When the viruses and bacteria are combined with stress it becomes a recipe for BRD.

IBR, being one of the most common viruses linked to BRD, is one of the most prevalent viral infections found in cattle. IBR can affect the animal’s airways causing discomfort and other issues that contribute to range of health and behavioral issues. IBR vaccination stimulates an immune response in order to protect the site where the virus enters the body.

Zoetis ® offers an intra-nasal vaccine, Rhinogard IBR®, which, until recently, has only been available to veterinarians. Due to a regulatory change, it is now available to farmers. Rhinogard IBR ® offers a broader use for farmers and a longer shelf life making it accessible to farmers for on-farm use. This change stems from moving from a wet/frozen form to a freeze-dried formula.

Rhinogard IBR ® is just one of the many options on offer from Zoetis ® to combat BRD and other ailments in your cattle. Check out the vaccines available at Tara Rural Supplies and Condamine Seeds and Tyres by visiting us instore or giving us a call at (Tara) 07 4665 3366 or (Condamine) 07 4627 7222.


Check out the link below for more information and give us a call at Tara Rural Supplies or Condamine Seeds and Tyres for more information.


Beef Central.  Beef 2024 Preview. Beef 2024: Rapid uptake of Rhino vaccine – are you missing out? April 4th, 2024.

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