46 Day St, Tara, Qld, 4421
Ph: 07 4665 3366

The fine leaf, fine stem and high leaf to stem ratio make it a great choice for hay or grazing. The uniformity of flowering allows for timely management to maximise production. Fine Cut Rhodes is ideal for grazing with its good leaf to stem ratio. Fine Cut Rhodes has no oxalate or prussic acid.
EPICA is Selected Seeds newest release of Rhodes grass. EPICA was selected after identifying the need for a tetraploid type with high dry matter production. As a tetraploid, Epica has four chromosomes per plant cell unlike a diploid which only has two. This gives Epica high palatability resulting in higher feed intake and levels of crude protein. Epica is well suited for a variety of types of soil for grazing and hay.
This tufted perennial is well suited for medium fertility and loamy soils. Gatton Panic provides a quality palatable feed through Spring, Summer and Autumn and is drought tolerant.
Bisset Creeping Bluegrass is a full season stoloniferous grass that is suited to soils ranging from poor, gravelly through to clay-loams. Bisset grows up to 1.5 metres high and provides excellent stand-over feed in autumn and winter as it retains its palatability after frost. Bisset is efficient in its nitrogen use. Bisset is well suited to lower fertility soils and provides good quality feed during the autumn and feed gaps. As a means of filling feed gaps, bisset is often sown with Rhodes Gras and other legumes. Bisset is drought resistant and hardy and has an excellent spread quality.
This high protein grazing option is a broad leaf making it great for areas affected by die-back. Desmanthus fixes nitrogen through its deep root system and its high drought tolerance means secure, palatable high quality feed.
Premier Digitaria is a tufted, perennial, warm season grass. It produces through Spring, Summer and Autumn. It is suited to a wide range of light, textured, loamy soils. Premier Digitaria has low oxalate levels making it a good forage source for all animals. Premier Digitaria is drought and fire tolerant and grows well in autumn.
Reclaimer is selected for its higher leaf to stem ratio, increased salt tolerance, aggressive stoloniferous growth, and higher production. This highly palatable Rhodes grass is suited for hay, silage and forage. It has great efficiency when it comes to water use and is highly palatable.

Tussocky erect and leafy perennial, this grass is a highly palatable forage when green. It is tolerant of waterlogging and drought, making it a hardy option of pasture seeding. It is slow to establish but very persistent in a variety of soil types.

Green Panic grows naturally in open grassland but is great for under and around trees and shade. While it doesn’t like heavy grazing it does provide leafy highly palatable forage. Green Panic is well suited to higher rainfall and well drained soils. It is well suited for all livestock and is one of the most palatable grazing options of all the tropical grasses.

This perennial variety was selected from the market leading Tolgar Rhodes grass maximizing all of its greatest characteristics. This has resulted in a thinner leaf blades and a finer stem for a higher leaf to stem ration. This means that Endura has a higher amount of consumable dry matter than other katambora verities for a top quality hay. In addition to its hay production, it is ideal for land reclamation, erosion control and mine rehabilitation.

This Aussie bred perennial was selected for superior growth characteristics including increased product. With large leaves mariner produces a high leaf to stem ration making it a very palatable option. Mariner produces more consumable dry matter than many other tetraploid Rhodes grass varieties and demonstrates good recovery after grazing or cutting. It is an option for grazing or hay.
Disclaimer: All information presented is sourced from supplier websites and marketing materials. Please see supplier tech sheets for further information. For best, local and most accurate information please contact the supplier or speak to our Agronomists. Tara Rural Supplies stand behind all its products including these great varieties of seeds.