While there is a good deal of discussion about carbon emissions taking place in Canberra and in the halls of government around the world, it’s worth knowing the benefits and impacts of programs and legislation on primary producers. The government’s goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 has meant that incentives for carbon capture and reductions are being implemented. These incentives may be of value to some primary producers.
There are two primary ways to farm carbon credits. Either by creating projects that limit carbon emissions or by creating projects that sequester carbon. In order to benefit from carbon credits, the project has to be a new initiative on your property. These projects can include projects to reducing tillage, increasing the use of crop coverage, using more fuel-efficient vehicles and equipment, land restoration including forestry and wetlands, improving nitrogen in the soil as well as many other carbon friendly projects and practices.
Through these schemes, carbon credits are issued to primary producers undertaking these projects which can then be traded or sold within the carbon market to companies wishing to offset their carbon emissions. Tara Rural Supplies and Condamine Seeds is taking steps to keep you informed about carbon farming. We will be having a discussion with the folks from MLA’s Carbon Edge program at our Farmers’ night in February and will be considering other ways to help you understand carbon farming. Follow us on social media and our website to learn more.